Ally 360 Blog

Would You Like to Extend Your Direct-Mail Campaign?

A direct mail envelope from a charity asking for donations of unwanted clothes is pushed through a letterbox.

Direct mail campaigns have been around a long time (about 250 years) for a simple reason—they work. A United States Postal Service study found that 42% of recipients read or scan direct-mail pieces. That’s nearly half of your targeted audience!

Although the sun isn’t setting on direct mail campaigns anytime soon, there are ways to reinvigorate direct mail so that your message stays in the market longer. 

Direct mail’s weakness

A direct mail campaign is essentially a one-off marketing opportunity, limited to a mere one-month time frame. Moreover, designing and printing the direct mail pieces, as well as covering postal costs, makes direct mail an expensive endeavor. 

It’s a marketing-science fact that most people need to see messages multiple times to fully process a message and then act on it. But it’s not affordable to launch closely spaced, repeated direct marketing campaigns. And it kills a lot of trees!

The multichannel approach helps you reach your targeted audience multiple times. Click To Tweet

Clearly, direct marketing isn’t sufficient. It needs a boost.

Extend it using the multichannel approach

A digital, multichannel-marketing approach is the best way to get more bang for your direct-mail buck. That’s because instead of your marketing materials arriving only in a postal mailbox, multichannel marketing messages can be directed at different places and at specified times.

The concept is pretty simple and is based on the premise that you must be where your prospects are—and these days, a lot of your prospects are online. They’re on Facebook; they’re checking their email; they’re visiting your website; they’re surfing the Internet on mobile phones; and all the while, they’re being exposed to your online ads, too.


Using the multichannel digital approach will help you reach your targeted audience multiple times, which makes them more likely to buy your product or service. You’re also giving prospects choices, because you’ve made it easier for them to make a purchase from their preferred platform. What’s more, digital-marketing campaigns are affordable because, as stated above, there are no printing and postal mail costs. 

Next time you start a direct-mail campaign, create a digital component and you will significantly extend your campaign.

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