Ally 360 Blog

The Pros and Cons of Using Emojis in Email Subject Lines

The emojis painted on a generated wood texture background provide a small example of the many different emojis that are available.

Many of us use emojis in our private lives, for example in text messages, on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Emojis are fun. They allow for playfulness and creativity. They also convey powerful feelings. (“This new phone I bought is a piece of 💩!”)

But is it a good idea to use them in email marketing subject lines? Well, it depends. Hopefully the following points will help you determine if your nonprofit should use emojis.

Emojis are fun. They allow for playfulness and creativity. Click To Tweet

Emoji pros

Emoji cons

Emoji do’s


To emoji or not to emoji? It ultimately comes down to determining the persona of your target audience. There are some nonprofits that simply do not render themselves to the playfulness that emojis bring to the table. But in some cases, emojis can really 🔨 it home!

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