How to Locate The Right Grants For Your Nonprofit

If you are running a nonprofit organization, you have probably had to face the bitter reality that funding must come first. No matter how noble your mission may be, if you are unable to secure the funds needed to make your mission a reality, then your aspirations will have been for nothing.

Though there are many different ways you can generate funds for your nonprofit organization, one of the most common ways this is done is through the use of grants. If you can get a grant, this can be a comparatively riskless source of financing that will yield a tremendous ‘return’ on the resources you spent procuring it (grant writer’s salaries, time, effort, etc.).

But until that magical day when you get your first ‘APPROVED’ grant actually comes along, you are probably feeling as if you have reached a dead end. If you are an organization who is depending on grants for funding, you are going to want to get used to the world of rejection, waiting for responses, and constantly feeling the pressure of those who need your help.

Don’t give up! The more you persist with your search for funding, the more likely you are to succeed.

The process is something that is far from simple. But there are a few basic steps you can take to find the grants that you need and get your organization off the ground.

Because most non-profit organizations are still technically considered to be a part of the ‘private sector’, asking the government for funding is something that is often overlooked. But in reality, every level of the government—local, state, and federal—gives away literally billions of dollars in grant money every year for causes it deems to be ‘for the public good’. is a great place to begin your search for grants. There, you will find connections to numerous different agencies that are each trying to promote a given cause. If your nonprofit organization is one that is trying to promote the general welfare—just as the Preamble to the Constitution has directed—this may be the perfect place to find the funds you need.

Organizations that are trying to promote education initiatives, alleviate the effects of poverty, or help any variety of less fortunate groups are the ones who are most likely to have success on this site. Though the government is generally a bit slow to respond, there is such a wide number of opportunities available that it is certainly worth your interest and time.

Foundation Directory Online

In the status quo, millions of private individuals and groups have established foundations that are each trying to pursue some greater cause. Every year, these foundations combine to distribute billions of dollars to various non-profit organizations, and if you are a non-profit organization, they ought to be actively attracting your interest.

The entire purpose of many foundations is to give money to organizations that are actively making the world a better place.

Foundation Directory Online is one of several well-established directories that will point you to those in the private sector who are literally trying to be giving away their money. These foundations are generally a bit more scrutinizing than some government agencies, but if your mission is important and sincere, the odds are high that you will be able to attract the interest of at least one of them.

Grant Watch

If you know where to look, there are literally millions of different grant finding opportunities available just a click away. Grant Watch is an organization that is actively trying to organize as many of these opportunities as it feasibly can.

This particular website presents both public and private opportunities, and also conveniently allows the opportunity to receive periodic alerts via email. Furthermore, it also has grants organized by category in a way that can significantly decrease the total amount of time you spend searching.

A few things to keep in mind when you are applying for grants:

The three websites mentioned above—, Foundation Directory Online, and Grant Watch—are just three of many sources that can help get your organization moving in the right direction. If you find these sources to be unsatisfactory, do not feel as if you are completely out of luck. There are still plenty of opportunities available for you.

Applying for grants can be a lengthy, time consuming, and difficult process. It can be easy to give up and assume that your organization just isn’t going to make it. While you are applying, keep these simple reminders in mind:

  • Your organization is genuinely trying to better the world, and eventually people are going to recognize that
  • Though you may have already applied for dozens—even hundreds—of different grants and gotten rejected, there are still millions more you haven’t applied for
  • Try to make your mission as clear and directed as you possibly can; prove how an infusion of cash will help you achieve your mission
  • Be creative. Remember, rejection does not equate with failure. For every ‘DENIED’ you receive along the way, you are just one step closer to receiving an ‘APPROVED’

If you keep your eyes on the prize, success will eventually follow. Non-profit organizations play an important role in our world, and we sincerely appreciate your efforts. Good luck, and happy hunting!

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